Sunday, March 29, 2015

Woman of Courage Project by Barbara Ferrier. Portraits of women who build strong communities as a result of overcoming personal struggle. This portrait/story profiles  Yvonne Whitelaw'. Please leave comments about how you would choose to roll this painting project out - your perception and insights are appreciated.

Yvonne's Story
Yvonne was born in London and lived in several cities in Nigeria and the United States, which gave her an intimate look at humanity as a global citizen.
Yvonne thrived in medical school. She became a medical missionary and an NC Albert Schweitzer Fellow. She pioneered an HIV outreach program that served 2500 people and trained 75 more medical students to help. She received a Humanitarian Award and two service awards.
Yvonne moved with her 5 month old infant to her Residency - alone. Her husband couldn't leave his job. She had no family, no community, 80 hour work weeks and the care of her infant. Yvonne experienced first-hand a cold and sterile life. For all the care and support she provided wherever she went, there was no reciprocity. No matter how idealistic and committed she was, there was no opportunity to rejuvenate. It was a gut wrenching ordeal. Yvonne reached burn out and exhaustion. Heart palpitations and chest pain sent her to the doctor where Yvonne was sent to a Psychiatrist who immediately told her “you don’t need a psychiatrist. You need support!” Yvonne realized she had to resign her residency. She would no longer practice as a doctor. After all that hard work she had to walk away.
Yvonne saw physicians differently. She saw how exhausted they were. She knew how hard driving their work was. And she knew a lot of them had second jobs to pay down their student loans. They lived in a world that was cold to them in return. And then she thought “What if they all burned out? What would we do? The system could collapse.” At the same time her father had a stroke in Nigeria and was in a coma in the ICU. The physicians went on strike. The patients were discharged – all of them. Hospital rooms full of beds lay completely empty. It was silent. Her father was sent to a small rural clinic. He died within 24 hours. Devastated by the circumstances surrounding the loss of her father, Yvonne realized she was meant to help.
Today Yvonne’s mission is to generate awareness of this serious problem. She works as a physician coach and advocate, building a support system so they can get help. As physician suicide has become more common (400 suicides per year) Yvonne is working as quickly as she can.
In early 2015 the University of California physicians went on strike. Yvonne is building a large movement. She understands both the burnout and the solution.
Yvonne inspires a global tribe of humanitarian, idealistic and visionary physicians to thrive as they make a positive impact in the world. She creates a sense of belonging, a safe, positive and sacred space to share their stories and she teaches practical ways to cultivate their light by integrating community, music poetry and art into their lives.
You can learn more about Yvonne’s amazing work and services. Please find her at and her Live Your Ideals project.
Prints on both canvas and paper are available of this painting. Details coming soon.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

STRENGTH to make it to the top Title: Cascading Ascent

I updated this painting recently because it is SOOO Motivating!! Wouldn't you love to be as strong as this woman? I know I would. She is the ultimate in pure strength and agility. Physically running to the top of a beautifully rugged path perfectly parallels the strength and outlook we acquire as we put our next adventures together - those amazing ones way off the beaten path. And you know what? She is going to make it there with ease. And so are we!!  Words of advice: Don't forget to enjoy the view along the way.  It always feels so good to be above the lowland trail - you know - the beginning of every hike where you're traveling through the forest floor for what feels like forever? How much longer? As if by magic the scenery changes and the path opens into a place you've never been before. A place that is wondrous at every turn. All I can say is that, if I were her, I'd set my tent up on a high perch, protected by the wind and elements where I have the most incredible view into this valley ever!!

In reviving my Woman in Sports series lately (that I began the drawings for the year my kids were all in track and my husband coached them.) Do you suppose this is a Self portrait of my mind?


Saturday, March 7, 2015

Girl Without Pearl Earring

How Portraits make a difference:
Portraits, by their nature are a visual document. They can record history and have been used that way for centuries. But they also create mythology and tell stories. Ultimately they fall into the category of an ‘emotional truth.’  Characters within a mythology, like Gandolf or Merlin (in his many literary incarnations), stand for ideas and hope that lead us through the darkness of the stories as we read or watch them. 

My own portraits cross between both worlds – that of literature and that of real life because some are based on specific individuals and are historical in nature. But the stylistic way that I paint people places them in the world more literary or fictitious in nature. Girl Without a Pearl Earring, for example, is based on more than one person and is technically made up. She is a character in a work of fiction I am writing.